Rental of collaborative robots to keep the production high.

In Hungary Viapan Group is the first who provide collaborative robots for rent to use in the production.

Rental of collaborative robots

Collaborative robots can mean a solution for the lack of workforce. Because of the present situation caused by the corona virus we give you the robots on a discounted price, to help you complement the required volumen in production.

President of the State Audit Office of Hungary pointed out that atypical forms of employment and robotization can provide stabilty for a company, even in time of crisis. 

The advantages of collaborative robots


The price of the collaborative robots and the cost of maintenance are completly on us.


Our specialists are responsible for the installation, settings and update of the cobots.


We take care of all the costs of maintenance and programming.


Cobots can be used to help to the people and not to replace them.

Changes in the rental of the collaborative robots during the times of corona virus

In this uncertain situation the atypical forms of employment could be the solution. Our main goal to help to the producing companies, that is why we provide our collaborative robots on a discounted price.

Rental of collaborative robots

Reliable workforce

  • Computable, balanced performance
  • The risk of accidents is lower
  • It requires small place, it does not need a locked workplace
  • One maintenance per year is sufficient

Where can it be used?

  • Logistics
  • Quality control, testing
  • CNC-technology
  • Production of surface manufacturing technology
  • Processing of steel
  • Moulding

Our business modell is based on the idea to provide the required number of labour force in every situation. If the required number of human workforce is not available we use co-bots to make the production more efficient.

Not instead of the human workforce!

The goal of the use of the co-bots is not to reduce the human workforce, but to complement it. To make it easier to perform the more difficult or tiring tasks.

For example it can be used during tasks which require the movement of the spine, lifting of heavy objects or movement of objects in a difficult place.

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