About us

Our job is about the people

  • We provide complex HR solutions
  • We show the way of human-centred recruitment
  • We have unique solutions for every HR-related problem
viapan about us

1000 type of

Carrier path

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intern have started their carrier with us in the last 5 years

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events and training days a year

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HR service company in Central Europe

The Viapan Group offers innovative HR services, we give the joy of work for every employee. We learn from multinational companies future-oriented methodes to inspire our partners in Central Europe. 


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Wide palette of HR services

Probably we offer the most complex HR services in Hungary. With our solutions we cover the full range of HR requirements.

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We are responsible

Our project managers are helping in the communication and administration between our partners and the workers.

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We learn from eachother

We learn constantly. Our Quality team helps to spread the best practice ideas between the different offices.

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We are human-centred

Instead of the balance of the private life and work, we put more ephasis on the harmonic lifestyle. Because the person who enters the office in the morning, is the same person who arrives home in the afternoon.

Work with us

Being our colleague means that more than 200 people inspire you every day. We are engaged to improve ourselves and the Viapan Group with shared values.

Work with us